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Acupuncture  |  Herbal Medicine  |  Private Therapeutic Yoga  |  Massage Therapy

As a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and certified massage therapist with a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I am passionate about promoting community and individual wellness. I treat each client and every session uniquely and integrate several healing modalities together to achieve optimum results!

Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM is a complete system of healing that is effective in treating and preventing so many health issues I won't even start listing them here. Go to my Acupuncture page for more info on TCM, acupuncture and herbal medicine, including what to expect in a treatment with me.


Private Therapeutic Yoga

Group yoga classes are an important part of a weekly exercise routine. But you can get even more out of those classes with one-on-one instruction! In these sessions we will assess your particular strengths and weaknesses, microtune your form in the poses, help prevent injuries and guide you to the next level in your practice. Contact me to schedule.


Massage Therapy

Yes, it feels great. It also happens to be good for circulation, disgestion, immune boosting, pain relief, stress prevention and much more! See my Massage Modalities page for more info on the techniques I use in my sessions. They include Swedish, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Tui Na, Acupressure, Sports, Injury and Prenatal Massage.

Healing Sessions


Acupuncture, Massage,

Therapeutic Yoga... or Combo!

Fridays and Saturdays
Book Onliine here


"Anna is outstanding. Her touch is intuitive - she can sense exactly what I need. Since she has so many modalities in her toolbox (massage, acupuncture, yoga) she is uniquely equipped as a healer. All of my chronic tension melts away under her hands. I highly, HIGHLY recommend her!" ~ Emily M.


"Anna is my massage therapist. She is empathetic, responsible, focused. She has offered skills to my specific and very personal requests for body work that have truly come from her heart and mind. Her work is loving, kind and strong and supportive..." ~ Priscilla M.


Read more testimonials here...


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